Admission Open 2024-25

Your Child’s Second Home!
Choosing the right preschool is vital for your child’s early educational journey. At WowKids, we ensure a strong foundation for your child’s future with:

Our Pre-school Programs
Through age-appropriate activities and a perfect blend of learning and play, we spark curiosity and ignite creativity in your child.
2 to 3 Years
3 to 4 Years
Lower KG
4 to 5 Years
Upper KG
5 to 6 Years

Admission Criteria
First Come, First Serve:
Secure your spot in the WOWKIDS family with our simple and fair admission policy.
Age Requirement:
Welcome little ones aged 2 years and above to join the delightful journey of playschool education.
Documents Required:
A Birth Certificate from a civic body is your child’s ticket to exploration.
Eight adorable passport-sized photographs of your child to capture those precious moments.
Four passport-sized photographs of each beaming parent, because every family is a treasured part of WOWKIDS.
Admission Process:
Your child’s playschool adventure begins with personalized counseling, guiding you through the WOWKIDS experience.
The journey culminates with the completion of the admission process, including the submission of required documents and the payment of admission fees.
Record Register entry marks the official initiation into WOWKIDS, with group allocation based on age eligibility and admission date.

Why WowKids?
Innovative Curriculum
Wowkids offers a forefront early childhood curriculum fostering holistic development, emphasizing creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Wowkids provides modern, child-friendly facilities creating a safe, stimulating environment that enhances the learning experience.
Qualified, Trained, and Caring Staff
Wowkids employs dedicated educators personalized attention, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.

Technology Integration
Wowkids incorporates technology for young learners in a safe manner, preparing them for the tech-driven future.
Community Support
WowKids actively engages in the local community, organizing events that contribute to neighborhood well-being, strengthening ties with parents.
Parent Engagement
Wowkids values parental involvement, facilitating regular communication, meetings, and events for informed and engaged parents.
Wowkids is committed to inclusivity, welcoming diverse backgrounds and abilities, fostering unity and respect among students.
Well-Defined Values
WowKids instills strong values like respect and empathy, aiming to develop well-rounded individuals with a strong moral compass.

Continuous Improvement
WowKids dedicates itself to continuous improvement, regularly updating methods and materials in line with the latest research in early childhood education.

Awards & Recognition

Frequently Asked Questions
Some children cry at their frst contact with the school, after illness, and after vacation. This is so because they have become used to staying at home. Separating a child from the parent is a difcult experience for preschoolers.
Children should be made to know that their parents will come back for them and for initial few days It may be necessary for parents to wait for 10-20 minutes.
We assure you that your child will settle down quickly and will intimate you on how your ward is fairing in these regards.
Speech delay shouldn’t be an obstacle to the enrollment of a toddler in a preschool. The school will rather assist the child in speaking. Interaction with other children will be a catalyst for the child to express himself or herself.
At WOW KIDS schools, we handle this challenge in a number of ways. One of such is our stage activities directed towards enhancing language development and building self-confdence in children. A WOW kid child conquers stage fright with ease and sees the entire world as a platform on which he can stand to make his voice heard.
We are familiar with having some children who are not native English speakers. Our teachers have that as part of their training. Children’s minds are like clean slates, they acquire language fast. It will amaze you the way your ward will be transformed within a short period.
Yes, the ofcial language in WOWKIDS schools is English. Speaking English is an integral part of our culture such that we make it a 100% English environment when having classes, on playing ground, during lunch and when engaged in other school activities. However, on Cultural Day and classes for native languages they are allowed to speak the local dialects.
Yes, WOWKIDS allows children to be enrolled throughout the year. Our enrollment policy is made fexible to meet the various needs of parents. Families that may want to enroll their wards on short term basis can also do so any time of the year
Yes, WOWKIDS allows children to be enrolled throughout the year. Our enrollment policy is made fexible to meet the various needs of parents. Families that may want to enroll their wards on short term basis can also do so any time of the year.
We bring up our kids at WOW KIDS preschools to tolerate and accommodate one another. If however there is confict, the teacher acts as the mediator in resolving such conficts amicably . Any undesirable habit noticed in a child is carefully handled by the teacher by substituting such negative trait with a positive one . As they grow, we expose them to seminars on building relationship, confict resolution and how to accommodate and respect the views of other people. We teach them courtesy. They learn how to say “sorry ” when they are wrong, “thank you ” when the need arises etc. The virtues we build in them from the outset grow with them and it minimizes incidence of conficts.
We expect your child to cry or show displeasure at frst contact with school, after illness or long vacation. No child will want to break away from the family love and attachment he enjoys. This will be for a short while. At WOW KIDS schools, there is no boring moment.
Children thrive well in an environment with fun fair activities. Our staf is passionate and have been trained to care for children like mothers. Children grow to love their teachers as they receive motherly afection from their teachers, the school becomes an extension of home.
The school will appreciate proper communication of events like divorce, death in the family, illnesses, birth of a new baby that may generate anxiety in a child. Such situations can be handled in a way that will not afect the child negatively. We promise to treat such information as confdential.
Some children may engage in negative or destructive habits. The frst step is to get to the root or causes of such behaviors. It is easier to solve the problem when the cause is known.. The teacher counsels and restructures the child’s mind towards positive behavior. The child is also engaged in activities that will occupy his mind and take it away from the bad behavior. If need be, the parent may be invited for counseling especially when the behavior is caused by family challenges.
It is possible to have a preschooler refusing to go to school. We rarely have cases of such at WOW KIDS schools, This is because our teachers are passionate and our activities are interesting. If however we have situation of such, we investigate to know the probable reasons for it. The causes are therefore addressed. Once the root cause is addressed, the child will love coming to school. Parents are advised to ask questions that bothers their minds at the point of enrollment and anytime the need arises. Children should be tenderly cared for before they are brought to school. Parents should avoid anything that may generate anger in their wards before bringing them to school . For instance, a child should not be forced to take his breakfast. The mother should rather tenderly appeal to the child making him to see the reason why he has to eat well.
We conduct written examinations, interviews and practical teaching for our teachers. We also ensure that all staf undergo medical checkups in government hospitals before they are employed . We expose our teachers to series of training in form of seminars, conferences, symposium and workshops.
Apart from the in-service-training, we encourage our staf to go for higher education on part time basis. We encourage them to go for Red Cross training to equip them for First
– Aid education . We make our teachers go through micro – teaching before the School Administrator on weekly basis as a way of checking the quality of teaching.
We ensure that teachers sanitize the toys and classrooms with non-toxic sanitizer in the ratio of 9:1 for water and sanitizer respectively The toys and classrooms are sanitized twice daily. We also ensures that the entire school environment is neat at all times.
Toilet training is done at the appropriate time and with the consent of parents. We do this by creating awareness for recess time. Gradually, children imbibe the training without much stress. Parents are to join the school in toilet training their wards. Children are also taught the vocabulary related to toilet training such as ‘wee’ and ‘poo’
We are conscious of the need to prevent epidemics in a school environment. This is why we are so sensitive to issues that bothers on health. We ensures our classrooms and toys are sanitized early in the morning and after classes. We employ the services of professional cleaning crew for cleaning rugs and carpets and waxing the foor when the need arises.
The ratio varies depending on the ages of the children and the classroom size.
For 18 months to 2.5 years, the ratio is 4:1 that is, 4 children to 1 teacher with a maximum of 8 children in a class. For 2.5 – 3.5 the ratio is 5:1
The ratio varies depending on the ages of the children and the classroom size.
For 18 months to 2.5 years, the ratio is 4:1 that is, 4 children to 1 teacher with a maximum of 8 children in a class. For 2.5 – 3.5 the ratio is 5:1
We implore parents not to send sick children to school. If however a child develops illness in school, the parents are contacted immediately. A sick child is taken to the sick bay where the school nurse tests the temperature and closely monitor the health conditions pending the arrival of the parents. For communicable diseases, the infected child is to be kept at home until certifed perfectly okay.
We encourage the parents to feel free to communicate with our teachers and administrators. We however recommend that appointment be booked for such so that teacher’s attention will not be distracted at busy times like the dropping of or picking up times. The school also made provision for Parents Teachers meeting to create a forum for discussion on issues that bothers on the children.
We operate triangular form of interaction which involves, the child. the parents and the school. The parents are part of the WOW KIDS family. Apart from daily visit to school to drop and pick their wards, they are invited to attend special celebrations such as birthdays PTA meetings and special days celebrations We also have parents day which involves inviting parents in specifc professions coming to teach the pupils under the control of the teacher.
YES, for parents that are interested in using the services of the school bus,, we advise that you contact our transport department for the necessary arrangements.
We allow the children to watch educative videos when we need to demonstrate a concept. For instance, motion in animals can be taught by showing a video clip of how some animals move. Music and rhymes can also be learnt through video clips.
At WOW KIDS schools, we do not confne teaching only to the four walls of the school, we take our children out on feld trips. Children learn better when they see what you teach them physically. For instance, In addition to watching video clips on motion in animals, a feld trip to zoo will enhance what they have learnt in the classrooms. We encourage our teachers to organize feld trips on regular basis. Parents sometimes may assist in transporting children on feld trips.
We celebrate the birthday for each month on last Friday of the month. Children whose birthdays fall within a particular month are celebrated. They are allowed to come into the school in their party wears on the chosen day. Our mini auditorium is beautifully decorated to make it a beftting celebration. Food and drinks are not the focus of the party but rather interesting social activities like music, dancing arts and crafts, taking photographs, games etc . Parents of celebrants are also welcome to the party. We do not allow parents to plan any special party in the school and if they plan such at home, they can bring invitation to school only if they are inviting the whole kids in their ward’s class. Please, note that invitation cards are to be given to parents.
Yes! We allow parents to give their wards snacks from home. Such snacks should however be properly labeled with the child’s name written on it. We recommend that the snacks conform with the USDA guidelines for healthy snacks. Children can also bring water or healthy fruit drinks to school.
– Disallowing unauthorized persons from entering our school premises.
– Ensure children are released to only their parents or persons authorized by parents.
– Fencing round the school compound and securely locking the gates.
– Fixing security cameras round the premises to prevent intruders.

Empower Your Child's Future with WowKids Preschool:
At WowKids Preschool, we are committed to delivering an enriching early childhood education that blends structured learning with playful exploration. Our preschool programs are designed for children aged 2 to 6, focusing on cognitive and social development crucial during these formative years.

Preschool Programs:
PlayGroup (2-3 years): Our PlayGroup program encourages discovery and curiosity through hands-on activities, fostering a love for learning and developing early language skills.
Nursery (3-4 years): The Nursery program nurtures creativity and life skills through art, music, and interactive play, setting the stage for lifelong learning.
Junior KG (4-5 years): Designed for individual learning paces, our Junior KG program enhances language abilities while introducing basic concepts in maths and science.
Senior KG (5-6 years): The Senior KG program focuses on sharpening vocabulary, improving attention span, and preparing children emotionally and academically for elementary school.
WowKids Curriculum:
Guided by our ‘Child-First’ approach, WowKids Preschool promotes holistic growth in mind, body, and spirit. Our curriculum emphasizes key life skills and values like attention, resilience, and kindness, ensuring each child develops a strong foundation for future success.
Secure your child’s place at WowKids Preschool for a well-rounded education that guarantees overall growth and readiness for the challenges ahead.

Our Mission:
Guided by our ‘Child-First’ approach, WowKids Preschool promotes holistic growth in mind, body, and spirit. Our curriculum emphasizes key life skills and values like attention, resilience, and kindness, ensuring each child develops a strong foundation for future success.
Secure your child’s place at WowKids Preschool for a well-rounded education that guarantees overall growth and readiness for the challenges ahead.